This project is the result of a partnership between the Museu Paulista of the University of São Paulo and the Instituto Hercule Florence, which started in 2011 with the digitization and restoration of the manuscript “Caderno de notas de Amado Adriano Taunay...” [Amado Adriano Taunay’s Notebook] that belongs to the collection of the Museu Paulista.
The original document was in a quite fragile condition, but after careful conservation and restoration intervention undertaken at the Edson Motta Conservation and Restoration Laboratory (SENAI) and the Museu Paulista’s Paper Conservation Laboratory, it was possible to halt the physical degradation and ensure its preservation for future generations. In parallel, the text was transcribed and translated, which made its content fully accessible.
At the beginning of 2015, a new perspective of research arose: the possibility of reading the pencil notes that were hidden under the ferrogalic ink. The infrared digitization techniques used by the Nucleus of Physics Research Applied to the Study of Artistic and Historical Heritage at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (NAP-FAEPAH) unveiled a new layer of records on the history of 19th century Brazil.
This unprecedented process is now available to all interested.