The notebook contains pencil or ink notes written between June 1824 and early 1825. In it, Taunay describes excursions he made around the city of Rio de Janeiro. The original document was in a quite fragile condition, but after careful conservation and restoration intervention undertaken at the Edson Motta Conservation and Restoration Laboratory (SENAI) and the Museu Paulista’s Paper Conservation Laboratory, it was possible to halt the physical degradation and ensure its preservation for future generations. In parallel, the text was transcribed and translated, which made its content fully accessible. In the beginning of 2015, a new perspective of research arose: the possibility of reading the pencil notes that were hidden under the ferrogalic ink. The infrared digitization techniques (Infrared Reflectography - IRR), using the "Osiris Digital Still Infrared" equipment used by Prof. Márcia Rizzutto and Jessica Curado from Instituto de Física da USP, unveiled a new layer of records on the history of 19th century Brazil.
In this page you are able to download the document with IRR, without IRR and a comparative file with both versions side by side.
The notebook served as a support for notes, a travel journal, a record of subjects of interest to its author, and drafts, some of them only visible because they were kept by the author, others covered by ink and only unveiled by use of Osiris photography. This file contains images of the notebook without IRR in which there are author’s inscriptions in iron gall ink.
Format: PDF / Size: 78MB
DownloadThis file contains what was written with pencil, covered by iron gall ink, and that can only be seen through IRR.
Format: PDF / Size: 236MB
DownloadBecause it is a personal notebook, it does not have a standardized organization. There are different contents in the same place, including overlapping texts and images: the author wrote in ink over inscriptions and drawings previously made in pencil. Most of the journey’s production was made in graphite, while the content of the notes with no explicit link to the journey was made in ink. This file contains two versions of the notebook: with and without IRR. They can be seen side by side.
Format: PDF / Size: 390MB
DownloadThis file contains the transcription of the notebook’s images with and without IRR. The pages are identified in the upper part, according to the number attributed by Museu Paulista da Universidade de São and Thierry Thomas.
Format: PDF / Size: 1.4MB
DownloadTechnical work of execution of preservation, conservation and restoration services carried out on Adrien Taunay’s notebook at SENAI’s Conservation and Restoration Laboratory.
Format: pdf
Content in Portuguese