Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos
courtesy of: Logo: IHF - Instituto Hercules Florence
special thanks to: Logo: Museu Paulista
Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos


Trip’s materiality

During his stay in Rio de Janeiro, Aimé-Adrien Taunay was in constant movement. In his notebook, there is a sort of diary about one of those trips: a journey to the Swiss colony of Nova Friburgo and the region of Cantagalo. He and the other travelers of that period moved along roads already established in the province that linked inland towns among each other and with the capital. Taunay and his companions on the trip made use of mules for the large land trips, since the small distances around the stopping places were explored on foot.

With regard to aquatic transportation, mention to the boats only occurs when referring to the crossing of the Guanabara Bay from downtown Rio de Janeiro to Praia Grande, today’s Niterói. Along the way, Taunay landed in taverns, inns, farms, mills and houses, sometimes enjoying good facilities, others having to sleep on the floor or on tables, enduring the cold. By his own account, he dressed badly, “a bad coat with worn-out ornaments” and took with him a notebook, a pencil, a blanket, and the clothes he was wearing.

This image is a painting. Title: Famille de l’intérieur du Brésil em Voyage (Countryside’s Brazilian Family on a Trip), 1818. Autor: Aimé-Adrien Taunay. Medium and support: Watercolor on paper. The painting features a group of people and horses in landscape. There are enslaved black people, overseers, horses with cargo and an ox cart in the foreground. Some details were painted in watercolor in shades of blue and orange. The painting is framed by two thin lines. “Brésil” is written above the top frame. Below the frame’s bottom there are the title and signature. There is a detail in the lower left corner of the support outside the frame, which consists on the illustration of a human head in profile.
TAUNAY, Aimé-Adrien. Famille de l'intérieur du Brésil en Voyage [Family from the interior of Brazil on a trip]. 1818. Watercolor 24.8 x 31.8. Photographer: Jaime Acioli. Castro Maya/IBRAM Museums.
courtesy of / special thanks to:
IHF Museu Paulista