Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos
courtesy of: Logo: IHF - Instituto Hercules Florence
special thanks to: Logo: Museu Paulista
Logo: O Caderno de Aimé-Adrien Taunay - Histórias, descobertas e percursos


Artists in scientific expeditions

At the beginning of the 19th century, the only way to record what was seen during expeditions was by collecting specimens or through the notes and drawings that artists and scientists made along the journey on the loins of animals or in canoes, depending on the regions they crossed. The travelers used the stops on the way to complete, color, correct or clean their records, in an attempt to represent what they had seen and experienced.

Besides protecting the materials from humidity and insects, the artist also had to control his stock of working artifacts in a way that they would suffice for the months away from any store.

In the expeditions, it was fundamentally important the work done by indigenous and black slaves as well as by hired free men, all in charge of loading equipment, supplies, weapons, and ammunition, preparing food, leading the troops and river fleets, and choosing routes close to small and medium properties that would provide shelter and food for the travelers.

This image is a painting. Title: Scéne Brésilienne (Brazilian Scene). 1818. Artist Aimé-Adrien Taunay. Medium and support: Watercolor on paper. This painting represents the burning of Judas. There are eight characters around a bonfire with the Judas doll burning in the middle. There are around nine other characters watching the celebration from a distance. Three of them carry baskets while the other three look like guards, according to their clothing. Big colonial houses emerge in the background. Some of the characters have some details on clothes and baskets painted in blue and Orange. All characters except the guards are black. There is a thin frame around the painting with the title and a brief description of the scene in french under it. The names of the engraver and artist are at the frame’s right and left corners.
TAUNAY, Aimé-Adrien. Scène Brésilienne (Brazilian scene). 1818. Watercolor on paper. Photographer: Jaime Acioli. Castro Maya/IBRAM Museums.
courtesy of / special thanks to:
IHF Museu Paulista